I am neglecting my work tonight, and it feels fabulous! I just had a really great weekend, though, and hate to get back into 12 hour work days quite yet. So, what made my weekend so wonderful? The freaking bulldogs, for one thing! That game against Florida was amazing, they played with so much heart. It's great to be a Georgia Bulldog!
And speaking of heart, how 'bout those Rockies? It has been so much fun watching them. 21 for 22, including 8 straight playoff wins, incredible! The past month and a half has brought back some great memories for me of the Braves' 91 playoff run. Unfortunately, both efforts ended in a World Series loss. But, Chris and I were at the game last night! We had a lot of fun, being at a World Series game is a rare opportunity. We got the tickets through a friend, Luke, who works for the Rockies. He did a drawing for them and we won! I guess it is also a big deal to get to watch a team sweep the series, especially an amazing team like the Red Sox (as much as I hate to admit it, the Sox are freaking good!). So, yay, I got to see Papelbon throw his glove about 30 feet into the air and do some strange squat-jump combination after striking out Seth Smith. But we were happy to be cheering on the Rockies.
All of this excitement about sports has me thinking ... why is being a fan so much fun? And just think, when else is it okay to do the following: throw yourself, ripping your jeans in the process, on the floor in a frenzy as Holliday slides face-first into home plate in a 13 inning do or die playoff game, or ... get lifted 3 feet into the air by your cousin after David Green throws a last-second touchdown pass to Veron Haynes to silence over 100,000 Tennessee fans, or ... just scream at the top of your lungs and jump up and down in public and it be perfectly ok?! Cheering on a team is just pure emotion ... it's just friggin' fun! Yeah, so now I'm done.
Of course I think participating in sports is fun, too, but who can really have more than maybe 10 people cheering for you at one time. Something about being in a big group of people all wanting the same thing is just fun.
That is basically my life the last couple of months - when I'm not working I'm either watching the Dawgs or the Rockies. I also got to see one of my best friend's, Laurie, get married last weekend in Georgia. That was wonderful, and it was so good to see her and our other friends.
So now that the Rockies season is over, I can start getting some more sleep. Also, yesterday at church the minister, Scott, was talking about committing time to God and service. I am tired of working so much and I think I need to reprioritize my time so not everything I do is for myself. I still need to work a lot but I also need to give myself some more time off and think outside of my own wants more often. I thought I would be closer to finishing my thesis by now and that made working my arse off worthwhile, but if I'm going not to be done any time soon anyway, then maybe I should work a little less and enjoy life more!
Anywho, that is enough rambling for now. Somehow, Chris and I are now watching 16 Candles. Haha. :) Goodnight!