Tuesday, June 12, 2007


My dear husband pointed out a slight inaccuracy in my recap of the 24 hour race. I also pointed out to him that this is my journal and I'll write what I want. But, since he most definitely kicked butt this weekend, I'll respect his wishes this time and correct myself - He killed me on the hill and climbed like a freaking pro. Here is a loving email from him regarding this subject:

"Your blog does not adequately describe how I took it to you on the climb.
Easliy kept up...sure you did. And what about the fact that I never got out
of breath while you were panting away? Bring it on roadie!"

Oh, I'll bring it on, all right! Needless to say, this email has spurred me to add a few hill repeats to my workout plan this week, and next time we ride, we'll see who's leaving who.

I'm not sure if this constitutes a healthy marriage or not, but we sure are having fun. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds whimsical and very much like Chris:) I love the pictures you have chosen, by the way. Margaret