Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This post could also be called "Insert expletive here", but I'm trying to optimistic! Yesterday was a frustrating day - bad enough that I made a list while at work entitled "Shit that sucks today", and came up with 9 things. Then added another when I got home and found out my step father is having a procedure on his heart on Thursday (#10) and my mom needs to be with him and so can't make it to Colorado this weekend (#11). I figure enough bad things happened yesterday that I should have met my "bad karma" quota for the week. Hopefully it can only get better from here!

We had a nice start to the day - coffee with a friend Russ, and our friend Arthur who is visiting from Liberia (well, technically visiting from Boston, where he lives now). Now the goal for the next 7 hours or so is to focus on my work, so at least some of the work-related frustrations can get better. I am having a bit of trouble focusing and thinking clearly lately. Hopefully the next 9 weeks won't be like this all the time!!

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