Friday, February 6, 2009

A great week

This week has been really good, amazingly. It's a pleasant surprise when I'm in a really good mood for the majority of a week, and I make it to Friday not feeling like I've been hit by a large moving object. Here are some of the nice things that have happened:

- Chris and I had an excellent weekend. It was a perfect mix of productivity (we finished fixing our fence in our backyard), fun (biking Saturday & snowboarding Sunday), and relaxing (I ate about 3 lb's of Chinese food on Saturday).
- I finished working on draft #2 of a paper I hope to submit, and sent it to my adviser and a couple other people for comments. This has been on my desk since November so it's nice to have made some progress this week!
- Chris and I got a book on hiking the Haute Route on Wednesday - now the planning for our trip can begin in earnest!
- We got two cats a couple of weeks ago and they are keeping us entertained.
- I hung out with some girlfriends for Michelle's birthday Tuesday night and had a really good time, even though I suck at both guitar hero and the word game we played.
- The weather has been amazing and I've been trying to enjoy it (ie: see previous post).
- I registered for a half ironman today!
- I'm hanging out with girlfriends again tonight at Cafe Vino, where I hope to enjoy some of the restaurant's namesake.
- Heroes is back on TV.


Anonymous said...

Man, I may be busy with two little kids but you definitely had a busy weekend. Love the posts! You can add me to your blog list if you want.


Rachel said...

I really like how Heroes being back on TV made it to your list of why last week was a good week.

Can't wait until this weekend!!!