Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 10: Moiry to Zinal

Compared to yesterday, the views today were only okay. The best part of the day was finding a hotel by 2:30 and having all afternoon to unwind. It was so cold when we woke up! We broke camp and were on the trail in 30 minutes. We passed the Alpage again in time to see a cow herder taking the cows out for the day. It was a funny sight – this rough looking man yelling in a monotone voice, the cows spilling out of a barrack, blinking in the sun and slowly picking their way through the shit-strewn exit. Now that’s a slice of Switzerland not everyone gets to see!

We made it past the dam (“barrage”) of Lac Moiry after an hour, had breakfast, removed some layers, and were on our way again. The climb up Corne de Sorebois was supposed to take 1:50 but we got into a really nice rhythm and made it in 1:30. Woohoo! I guess 9 days of hiking is starting to pay off. Also, Chris was brought down to my pace because he carried all the food, to help give my knees a break. What a guy!

The hike down sucked, except for the views of the 4500 m tall Weisshorn (14,700 ft). It was definitely knee-jarring, and Chris took my sleeping bag to make sure mine weren’t completely destroyed. The other good thing about the descent was a playground near a lift station with an awesome zip line.

We spent the afternoon drinking coffee, browsing the grocery store and sports shops ($30 for a pair of hiking socks!?), searching for a mysterious sizzling cheesy dish (maybe Raclette?), making phone calls and writing post cards. We also ran into Mike and Jenny, it was good to see them! We splurged on dinner since last night was free. I accidentally ordered a plate of meat (“asainette Valainase”) that turned out to be delicious (bacon, salami, proscutto, and something else salty and amazing), and Chris got glorified macaroni and cheese. Mixed together, the two plates were phenomenal!

I'd been wishing for a zip line on every down hill.

The nice town of Zinal, which we had several hours to enjoy.

One plate of meat, coming right up!

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