Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Remembering Dad

Today's been a little emotional for me because I've been thinking a lot about my dad, who passed away Dec. 10 2003. I don't really talk about him too much, and especially not about the fact that he's gone. I would bet that the majority of my friends in Colorado don't know that my Dad is no longer living. Mainly, when does such info come up in day-to-day conversation? But also, I don't usually like to talk about it because it makes me sad. So, maybe talking about it on my blog is a step in the right direction.

It would be hard not to think of my dad today, and so, like the past 4 Dec 10ths, I've tried to find ways to honor his memory and celebrate his life. That way I can remember him in a happy way without being sad all day. Tonight Chris and I went out with our friends Jeramy and Christine (and their 6 month old, Carson, who was sleeping the whole time) to Macaroni Grill. I had forgotten about the times I went there with my dad, but after our friends suggested it some good memories came back. My dad really liked antipasta salads - the ones that are more meat and cheese trays than salads. One time when he and I went to the Macaroni Grill, he was insistent on getting one, and basically told the waiter how it should be made, so that the chef could make one for us. :) Very funny, and very my dad.

It was really nice to be out with Jeramy and Christine, they have come to be good friends of ours out here but we haven't seen them much since the little one came along and everyone's schedules got more hectic. Another thing about my dad is that he would make friends and strike up a conversation with anyone. When I was young this really embarrassed me, but I appreciated it more the older I got. One of my cousin's most embarrassing moments as a kid involved my dad and I. For some reason, we had this little inside joke when I was somewhere around 4 of having a bad breath contest. Who knows how that started. One day, my cousin, my dad and I were at the grocery store, checking out. And I figured, I bet the cashier wants to compete in the bad breath contest. So I asked her, "Want to smell my breath?" My cousin was mortified, of course, but I saw nothing wrong with it. I don't remember my dad's reaction, I really hardly remember the event myself but it will live in emphamy in my family.

Anyway, my dad had several people who cared a lot about him. I got phone calls from his old friends who I hadn't seen in ages right after he passed away, and one of his friends even called me the following Christmas to say he still missed my dad. So friends were really important to him.

I'm lucky to have really good friends, too, and the few times I felt sad today I reminded myself of this and how important it was to my dad, too. Today was nice because I ran with Mollie during lunch and then had coffee with a handful of friends in the afternoon - so it's been easy to remember how lucky I am in that respect.

Anyway, I just wanted to share a few of the memories I had today of my dad, just to help keep him alive in my heart. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I hope that we never have a bad breath contest with each other, but that was a very funny story!

Your dad sounds like an amazing guy, I wish that I had been able to meet him :)