Monday, January 4, 2010


I keep thinking about the man we had dinner with last night during a meeting to get ready for Liberia. He's from Rwanda, but spent much of his childhood in refugee camps in Uganda. He talked about watching his two sisters die of starvation, of barely surviving on a bowl of porridge a day, and of being hurried into a hospital to hide after learning a group of rebels were coming to kill everyone in the village. He kept saying, "It was very hard" or "It was challenging." I kept thinking about all the things I've said are challenging in my life and how easy they were in comparison! We are so lucky for the lives we have.

Also, he started a feeding program in Rwanda that serves a small community of children. He is a student and earns $800 a month, and he sends $300 a month to this program. How can I hear a story like this and not question my own unwillingness to part with my time and money to help others? I'm so grateful that he came and had dinner with us!

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