Monday, January 21, 2008

I admit it, I have fantasies about a bike

I am now back in Colorado and killing time. I've been at work since 9:00 but all I've accomplished is cleaning and organizing my desk. That is about 30 minutes worth of real work. I usually try not to blog at work, but there were about 4 other cars in the parking lot this morning and so I am feeling uninspired to work, since apparently every one else in the department is slacking. It is MLK day and snowing - both good reasons to stay home. Oh well, I am a nerd, big surprise.

I had a good weekend that included lots of sleeping in. I used to not be able to sleep late but recently have had no problem staying in bed past 10 on the weekends. It's pretty amazing, really. :) Yesterday, Chris and the other people he will be going to Nigeria with got a blessing at church. It was nice ... I can't believe he is leaving on Friday! He will be spending 10 days at the Faith Alive AIDS clinic in Jos, Nigeria - it is a free, Christian-based clinic that serves anyone. It is pretty amazing what they do, and I am excited for Chris to experience it first-hand. He will be making a fundraising video for the clinic, I'm sure it will be an emotional and eye-opening time for him. I will be a little sad for him to be gone for 2 weeks, but I'm trying to focus more on the fact that I can get a lot of work done while he's gone (oh, joy).

We went on a bike ride in the afternoon that started out really nice - it was about 36 and sunny and felt really good. But about half-way through, some clouds rolled in and the temperature dropped about 8-10 degrees .... brrr!!!! I generally try not to ride my road bike when it is below 30 and for good reason! I can commute when it's in the teens but I am moving considerably slower then. :)

I am very happy with my decision to do triathlons this year. It is much less stress because I don't need to be riding 200 miles a week. If I have a long ride planned and the weather is crappy, I can just switch things up and do a run or a swim instead. It is wonderful! I have found 4 races that I think I want to do - 1 sprint, 1 XTerra (off-road!), and 2 Olympics. That would be my biggest year of triathlons yet, but I am pretty excited about it. I am thinking of getting a wetsuit, too. In Georgia wearing a wetsuit would suck, but here it makes sense - both for the warmth and the extra buoyancy. I went to Peleton, the bike shop I used to work for, on Saturday to look at theirs and Trent, the owner, said he'd sell me one of the basic ones at cost, which is really cool of him. So I will probably do that because it is a good deal and will last me for several years. And it will make me faster! :) Oh yeah, Peleton also has the sexiest bike I have ever seen - the top of the line Specialized time trial bike. It is amazing - even the brakes are aero!! I want one!! Unfortunately, it is uber-expensive. I didn't even bother asking how much but it is $5500 at cost. Crazy!! Well, in my dreams I can ride it and no one will ever be able to keep up with me! Haha.

OK ... now I am going to work! I need to check out my data from my current model run. This is going to be great! ... yeah, right ... ok time to work for real!

Bye, thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Quick introduction. My name is Jon Beam and I am one of Amanda's brothers. I saw your comment on Amanda's blog and checkd out your profile. Anyways...
Great blog about tris. I am a fairly new triathlete. I did my first tri in 2005 and really enjoyed doing them. It was never too far of a distance that I hated any part of it. The Olympic distance is a very good, challenging distance. The run is always tough, but it is what it is. I am going to do my first Half Ironman this May in Macon,GA. That will be an experience. Hopefully I am not cursing the day I started tris at the end of it.
The wetsuit is definitely a good way to go, especially in Colorado. I have yet to do a tri in GA/Fl that a wetsuit was necessary. Good luck with your tris this year.