In high school, I had a really good group of friends, a passion for playing softball, and of course the usual crush(es) to keep things interesting. College was a blast because of the freedom, football games, and new experiences. There was always something to do and new things to learn. After college I had the new experience of having a job and actually making money, and the excitement of traveling Europe and getting married. Now I am in the 'being a young married grad student in Colorado' phase of my life, and it is great! Even this phase has its sub-phases ... Working at the bike shop and having very little stress; Starting grad school and having a lot of stress, but also making new friends and trying to learn a new field; Racing with the cycling team.
Now I feel things are changing slightly again to a phase where I'm not really a newcomer to the state anymore. Fort Collins is my home, I have good friends here (but of course still miss the ones in Georgia!) and a life that I enjoy. Chris and I are involved with our church more than before, but still always seeking adventures in the mountains. I'm not racing and I'm finding joy in setting my own agenda and pushing myself on my own terms. The Masters thesis is ever looming on the horizon, but I'm learning the balancing act of working hard on it while not letting it lord over my life. So that is my life now, but I am intrigued by how my life has unfolded up to this point, and I'm excited that so far each new chapter has not been a disappointment. So that gives me confidence in the future, whatever that may be! For now, I hope things stay as they are for a little while longer.
Well, that is not at all what I meant to write about but was a kind of fun reflection. I had a really nice birthday. I had a deep tissue massage on Friday afternoon and it was painful but in a good way! Chris and I went out for dinner and dessert, and then I completely passed out (no alcohol!) by 9:30. Haha, definitely getting older! Saturday we went mountain biking on the Blue Sky trail (and a little bit of Coyote Ridge) and neither of us fell - woohoo! Then last night we had some friends over for wine and cheese, it was delicious, but I think I drank too much wine (hence the headache today, it's been a while since I've drank so much!).
This week is spring break but since I'm not taking classes that has very little meaning to me. I think I will give myself 1 day off at some point (or 2 half days). I would like to go on a long bike ride (probably with Kim) and then I just have a bunch of loose ends I have to tie up (been pretty lazy lately).
As promised, I'll finish with some pictures!
Me and Kim, a friend from the cycling team
Chris, me, and Nick (a fellow grad student) displaying some of the fine wines available last night
Christine and Leslie are friends from church and are both due in a few months, so Leslie brought an alcohol-free wine for them to enjoy!
I'm not sure what's going on in this picture, but it is Chris with his friend Dion (from his old job) and his wife Tia.
I am sad because Nick was at your party for 10 min and you took a picture with him ... and I was there forever and yet no pictures of me :(
thanks Anna!!
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