Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I have now officially decided that 4 days between turning in the written and having the oral exam is not enough time, especially if you take 1 day off to recuperate and then spend another day in a zombie-like state because you hiked too much on your day off.

Also tomorrow I will test the "imposter hypothesis" - which is basically when I find out if my committee finds out I am faking it or if they think I am actually smart.

Finally the helicopter is about to land on the building again so I better go.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I can't decide if your posts make me want to laugh or cry ...

I think you are going to do great today!!! You are totally smart ...even though its hard to see that while you are in the middle of all this hard/crappy work

Your committee is going to be hard (because I think they really enjoy showing us how little we actually know) ... but you are going to pass!!!

And after you pass we get to eat pizza and drink!! (oh and play softball ... haha)

At what time does this helicopter appear at the dept ... i am going to make sure that I don't stay that late :)