Sunday, October 11, 2009


Here is proof of the snow. I think we got about 5 inches at my house! To make things even more crazy, I ran in the CSU Homecoming 5K Saturday morning. It was freezing cold but kind of fun. It was a good chance to see where I'm at fitness-wise. I ran it in 27:30, although my last mile was in 8:00. So one of my goals for the winter is to get faster! I can't believe how cold it's been. It hasn't been over 30 since Friday afternoon and yesterday's high was in the low 20's! Yikes. Alright, pictures.

And, happy birthday to my husband who is 30 today! I guess we are entering a new era in our lives, who knows what kind of adventures our 30's will bring us.


Eric said...

Wow, it was 75 and picturesque in Atlanta, yesterday. Interval sprints and hill runs are great for speed. Forgive the unsolicited advice.

Anna said...

Yeah I want to do at least one run each week that is one of those. By the way, I hate you. :)