Friday, October 9, 2009

The sky is falling!

What the heck?? It is snowing outside, the second time this week! This is our sixth winter in Colorado and by far the earliest snow yet, especially considering that 1.5 inches have already fallen at our house and it's supposed to keep up all night! I was really proud of us for not using the AC all summer because it was unusually cool for the most part. But I guess the flip side is that we caved and turned on the heat tonight, since it is already 17 degrees outside and 53 degrees in our bedroom! So I guess our gas bill this winter will make up for our low energy bill over the summer. I am caught off-guard by this weather but I am going to try to have a positive attitude this winter. Snow is really pretty, and I love snowboarding, snowshoeing, wearing hoodies and drinking hot beverages. So ... here's to winter!


Lola said...

I'm so jealous of your snow. It's just been raining every day for the past week :(

mcassidy25 said...

Yay for snow!!! You'll have to come nordic skiing with me and Caley!

Anna said...

It has been really pretty! I've never been nordic skiing but would love to try. I think we will be snowshoeing a lot this winter. :)