Thursday, November 5, 2009

Off-season Goals

Technically you could say my off-season began as soon as I finished my half ironman Aug. 9. I am a big fan of taking some serious time off during the year. I know it means I lose some fitness but it's worth it for the mental break. Anyway, I slacked off for a couple of months and now I'm ready to get back into a semi-regular routine. But I still won't consider myself back in "training" mode until January - for now I'm happy just to stay active and do what I enjoy!

That being said, I have a couple of goals. These are flexible though and I try to give myself extra wiggle-room this time of year. Chris and I have decided to run together 2-3 days a week, although I'd like to go 3 times and I want to work on speed. I'm not a fast runner but I think with some work that can change. Last year I worked on endurance, so I think this year I'll focus more on faster, shorter runs.

I also want to ride my road bike 2 times a week, just to keep my legs used to it - I hate getting on the bike for the first time in weeks and feeling like crap. Plus I LOVE riding my bike, so this will keep me happy too.

This time of year is also a good time to work on all that boring stuff, like strength and flexibility. I'm trying to go to yoga once a week, which I really enjoy. Rachel and I are talking about lifting weights together - we started today by meeting at the gym at 6:30 AM - way to go us! :)

So, that's it! Oh yeah, I'm also trying to not give in every time I want something unhealthy. I am not very good at things like "self control" and "just say no". I figure if I say no 4 out of 5 times, then I'm on a roll and deserve to splurge 20% of the time. The bad thing is I'm realizing I want something unhealthy most waking moment, so 20% of the time is still a lot. Something else to work on I guess!


Rachel said...

Yes go us!!

Also .. I almost always give in when I want something "unhealthy" ... I would be happy to only give in 4/5 times :)

Eric said...

This entry begs the question, what is healthy? Also, for my monthly unsolicited advise concerning the "boring strength training" (as opposed to exciting yoga sessions and 6 hour bike rides), bicep curls -no, deep squats -yes