Friday, May 22, 2009

Iron Horse Classic or bust!

Well Chris and I have the car packed and are ready to go to Durango! We've literally got a car full of wonderful things like bikes, oatmeal, water bottles, cd's ... what else could you want? One thing I would love is for the forecast to not be calling for an 80% chance of snow on Saturday in Silverton! I am going to remain optimistic that we will get to ride, and I'm trying to prepare myself for a slightly uncomfortable (wet/cold) ride.

Chris succeeded in raising $550 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation - that is great! I'm really looking forward to spending the weekend with him. Here is the profile of the ride, which will top out at 10,867 feet!

Oh yeah, today was a great day at work mainly because I had an amazing meeting with my adviser and some other folks. We talked about my ideas for research and they agreed that they sound good (yes!) and were anxious to get me started. Also Scott read my paper and said it looks ready for submission. So, maybe sometime before June 2010 I will be a published scientist. :) On top of all that, there were leftovers from one of my favorite restaurants at the dept and so I got to have saag for lunch. AND my coffee group had breakfast at Matt's house. What a day! :) Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

PS Here is a picture from my ride to Wyoming with Matt. No welcome to Wyoming sign for some reason ...


Rachel said...

Reading your blog lately stresses me out ... you are getting SOOO much accomplished and I've been on a quasi vacation since September ... not a real vacation, but i've definitely taken a vacation from doing any actual research. I'm glad to see that people are excited about your research plans, can you help me find a research topic when I get back? I feel like I am going to fail gradschool :(

Anna said...

Rachel you are no longer allowed to read my blog. You've submitted a paper and gotten revisions back, which is more than I've done. And I really only just started this new research after getting back from Co. College so you are not that behind. You will be getting a lot done this summer while I'm being a slacker. If you are stressing out while you are in Australia then I will have to kick you, sorry.

Rachel said...

Just so you know I didn't think about work the entire time I was in Australia!

I am just not thinking about the prelims ... but you are almost done with them, yay!!