Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 15: Baby Update

Chris took some nice pictures of me last weekend (37 weeks), better than my usual quick snapshots (it helps that we just went on a date so I look nicer than usual). It's hard to believe we're getting so close to the end! I'm now going to see my midwives once a week, and the baby is considered 'full-term', which I think means she is mostly just putting on weight the next few weeks. It turns out she could use a little extra weight, as we found out at my appointment last week. Despite eating copious amounts of meat, desserts, and mayonnaise-covered dishes at a friend's cookout over the weekend, I had lost weight and my belly was measuring 1-2 inches smaller than my previous visit. My midwife was concerned that the amniotic fluid wasn't being regenerated and ordered an ultrasound for later that day.

This was both exciting and frightening. It was scary that something might be wrong with our baby's living quarters. Chris left work a little early to meet me for the ultrasound. We learned that the fluid is fine and the baby looks healthy - what a relief (although I guess I will be a good mom because it took me a couple of days to get over the worrying).

On the plus side, we got to see the baby at 37 weeks, which is a rare treat. She has a small head and a long femur (taking after her dad in the latter category), and they estimated her weight at 6lb 4oz. The coolest part was seeing her face! We saw her eyes (they were opening and closing) and nose, and it looked like she was trying to fit her entire fist into her mouth! Here's a picture of her - starting on the left is her arm and, then fist in front of her mouth. You can see her right eye and nose. It's hard to pick out any real features though, she looked very smushed. We are very much looking forward to meeting her!
Lastly, here's a picture of me today (38 weeks) at Rocky Mtn National Park (Chris, Nick and I went up there for some silliness -no hiking- which I'll hopefully post about soon).


Julia said...

You look adorable! I can't get over how close the due date is, but just remember that the due date is more of a tentative deadline and remind your girl daily to make up her mind once she's fully baked and not a moment sooner! With that in mind, you know'll she will arrive right when she's supposed to get here. I'm so glad the appointment went fine. We had all kinds of special issues that kept us with ultrasounds all the way to the end. Isn't it amazing!? We got to see AG in 3D at 36 weeks, so we knew what she'd look like...well smushed of course! Hahaha!

Amy said...

That's so cool that you got to see the baby! (even if the reasons for the ultrasound caused some worry). Nora is constantly trying to put her whole fist in her mouth, a habit I imagine she learned in utero, just like your little one- I bet when she's here, she'll be constantly keeping her little hands up by her face because it will be comforting to her! Hang in there, I know those last few weeks can get rough!

Kate T-C said...

Beautiful pictures Anna! It took me a minute to see her face in the ultrasound because I was expecting something much tinier!

Also "small head" should be the two most lovely words in the English language at 37 weeks! :) Love it!!